Terms of Use: Disclaimer
By using MyPriceCounty.com and MyNorthernWisconsin.com, you agree to indemnify My Northern
Wisconsin, (and any of its subsidiary websites, including but not limited to My Ashland County, My
Iron County, My Lincoln County, My Oneida County, My Price County, My Rusk County, My Sawyer
County, My Taylor County, and My Vilas County), herein referred to as "this platform," from any
liability, whatsoever, that might arise from its use. You are solely responsible for your interactions
with other members, advertisers, or links on this platform. You understand that this platform does
not in any way screen its members, advertisers, or anyone who uses or posts information on this
platform. This platform makes no representations or warranties as to the content of the website or
conduct of members, advertisers, any agencies, or anyone on this platform. In no event shall this
platform be liable for any damages, whatsoever, whether (including but not limited to) direct,
indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to
the conduct of you or anyone else in connection with the use of this platform, including without
limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress, and/or any other damages resulting from
communications or meetings with other registered members of this platform or persons, agencies, or
information you come into contact with through this platform. You understand that any information
posted on this platform is not professional advice or any other type of advice, and you agree to take
all responsibility for checking out the members and/or information posted on this platform before
proceeding to interact with the members or accept any suggestions. You understand that you should
seek the advice of a professional, if necessary, and that any information here is not intended to be
professional advice or information. This platform does not warrant or assume any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product,
process, or service mentioned on this platform. This platform does not endorse or recommend any
commercial products, processes, or services, and the views and opinions of authors expressed on
this platform do not necessarily state or reflect those of this platform. This platform does not
endorse, warrant, or guarantee the products, services, or information described or offered at this or
any external website linked from or to this platform. This platform is not responsible for any loss,
theft, or misuse of information you store on this platform. This platform is free of any and all liability
stemming from the use of all webpages on and associated with this platform.
As a member of this platform, you agree not to post SPAM or be rude or offensive in any way. You
agree not to post advertising (unless you have an advertising package with this platform) and to
abide by all usage rules set forth on this platform's website.
This platform and businesses shown on this website sponsor, (but do not necessarily endorse), the
Your username cannot be that of any business (unless you are an advertiser and had your username
set up by this platform). Your username also cannot contain the name of your county unless
approved by this platform.
This disclaimer and terms of use may be revised at any time and can be accessed on this. Anyone
using this website will be bound to the current terms. By accessing this platform, you agree to the
terms of service.
We never sell or freely distribute your personal, private member account information to any outside
sources. Your information is only known within the My Northern Wisconsin network of websites listed
on this page. We do not see your password information, and if you need a new password, you will
need to reset it through your profile account page.